Audio Messages...
Crystal gets the opportunity to share all over the country. This is a collection of some of her favorite message for you to listen to, download, and share with your friends. Her prayer is that God would speak to you, as He has spoken to others.
Below is the newest message from Crystal.
Below are messages from this year. To see a list of messages from previous years, click on the year you are looking for: All Time Favorites, 2023 Messages, 2022 Messages, 2021 Messages,
2020 Messages, or older messages.
Ready Or Not, Here It Comes!
What’s just ahead? It’s not gloom and doom, I can tell you that! There’s a wealth transfer that’s heading speedily towards us. It will change the face of the whole world for good! But also you need to know there’s a sinister plot in the works to totally change the human DNA, as well as mix human and animal DNA to create “creatures” that would defy our worst nightmares! Satan’s defeat is GUARANTEED… but he’s not yet done fighting. Some information in this teaching may be shocking to you... but it’s heading our way, whether we believe it or not!
Giving the Sacrifice of Praise
Thankfully we don’t have to kill an animal to offer sacrifices. But I found three sacrifices that we are called to give. The sacrifice of praise, the sacrifice of thanksgiving and the sacrifice of righteousness. When we CHOOSE to praise God in the midst of painful situations, the heaviness simply CANNOT remain on us! Something supernatural happens when we meet heaviness head on with praise. We are COMMANDED to express thankfulness in all situations… not FOR all situations but IN them. Doing so expresses trust in God’s character, and trust in Him is actually God’s love language. Let this teaching give you a fresh energy for making praise and thanksgiving a habit that becomes second nature. You won’t want to live any other way!
God’s Kind Of Faith!
Mark 11:22 says to “Have faith in God”… a more accurate translation would actually be… "Have the God kind of faith”. Jesus is saying to operate like God operates! How does God operate? He “see’s” inside Himself what He desires and then He SPEAKS it out! Jesus went on to tell us THREE TIMES in verse 23 to SAY. Notice how when we come under opposition in our faith we tend to get quiet? Why is that? Because Satan knows that when we keep speaking what God says, it WILL COME TO PASS! God’s Word does NOT return void! Ecc. 8:4 says “The word of the King is powerful”! It’s very possible that the ONLY thing keeping you from receiving what you desire is… what’s NOT coming out of your mouth!
If You Knew You Were Being Tested…….
If you knew you were being tested, you would give more attention and effort behind your decisions affecting your lifestyle. Like the king in II Kings 13:14-19 when the prophet told him to strike the ground, if he would have known it was a test that had huge consequences concerning the future of the entire nation… he would’ve acted differently! His response was pathetic and sadly the results for the nation was the same.
Just so… first and second Thessalonians gives clues to 3 divisions of people during the time of the Lord coming close, and releasing justice and rewards simultaneously world wide. What category of the 3 do you think you’re in? Wouldn’t you be interested in knowing key issues in this test, the consequences of failing and the rewards for passing?
PEARLS…Their Cost
Matt. 7:6 is an odd statement from Jesus about pearls; their value to Him and the opposing enemies they attract. Diving into this one element of Jesus’ teaching divulges a principle that we MUST know, and walk through victoriously to receive the promises we are called to possess! Without understanding this principle, a child of God can unknowingly forfeit their destiny’s fulfillment. But understanding this principle will fortify your resolve and actually give you PEACE, while you remain steady during times of intense pressure from the enemy of our souls.
Our Sabbath - Entering Into the Full Inheritance
The Sabboth is not as much a “day” as it is a “realm”! Hebrews 4:3 “For those of us who believe, faith activates the promise and we experience the realm of confident rest” (Passion translation) Scripture teaches that what kept past generations out of their “promised land” was an evil heart of unbelief. No matter how God provided for them, they still distrusted His character. Therefore they never experienced the blessings God wanted to give them. How did their unbelief manifest? By complaining when experiencing any hardship. We need to realize that any complaining is a manifestation of distrust towards the Father and hinders us from experiencing the “rest” that we were built to live in! There remains a SABBOTH for us to experience!
Jesus is Seated...UNTIL
Have you ever thought about how long Jesus is HELD in the heavenly realm… SEATED at the right hand of God UNTIL? Until what? Until His body… co-laboring with Him… DEFEATS ALL THE ENEMIES OF GOD! Jesus will NOT do this on His own. People waiting for Jesus to come and Judge the earth and take us out of here… is a flawed belief at best!
The Lesson in Salt and Pearls
We live in such an atmosphere that’s conducive to discouragement these days. That’s been purposely designed by the enemy of our souls. Discourage is simply dis-courage. A disconnecting from courage. This teaching points out simplistically HOW we lose courage and what results are guaranteed if we do. But it goes on to encourage us by pointing out the extreme greatness of the rewards promised to those who don’t fail in these trying times! Encourage… en-courage. This teaching should infuse COURAGE to strengthen you to succeed!
We Are Designed to Win!
Remember the story Jesus told about the widow woman asking a wicked judge to avenge her of her enemies? (Luke 18) Jesus ended that parable with this sobering statement, “When I return, will I find faith on the earth?” He was obviously referring to FAITH in His promises when all looks lost and impossible. THAT’S the kind of faith that victories of heroes are written about! Holy Spirit is encouraging us to STRENGTHEN what is weak in us for these times REQUIRE that kind of faith! Believing God and rejecting discouragement is the Lord’s “love language”! Victory IS coming! God IS rescuing America and the nations of the world! Victory IS assured and… WE ARE DESIGNED TO WIN!
Are You Eating at the Correct Table
The Lord is doing many things behind the scenes that’s shifting people and nations, as He is removing illegitimate authority over places of rulership in the earth. As this is ongoing, He is simultaneously inviting His own to eat from His table. Our courage, or lack thereof, our outlook, whether expectant or hopeless ALL depends upon what table we are eating from! This teaching will enlighten you to discern where you are.